Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod:
The apparatus consists of a copper bar, which is heated at one end, a heat sink is provided at other end. The test section of bar is properly insulated and thermocouples are attached along the length of bar. Heat conducted through the section of bar is measured by heat collection in water-cooled heat sink. A panel comprising of controls and measurements is provided, which provides easy operation and sturdy mounting of unit.
1.Metal Bar – 25mm of adequate length, provided with 8 Thermocouples along the length, Band heater at one end and water-cooled heat sink at other end. Test portion of bar is insulated.
2.Instruments panel comprising of.
Voltmeter … 1No.
Ammeter … 1No.
Dimmerstat 0-230v, 2A, capacity.
Multichannel Digital temperature Indicator.
3.Measuring flask and stop clock
1.Bench area of 1.5m. x 1m. at working height.
2.230 v, AC, electric supply with earthing connection.
3.Water supply at the rate of 2 lit/mm